Open Days
Below is the current list of dates for garden openings for the NGS in 2025.
For details on how to find the garden, click here.
The entry charge, for The National Garden Scheme, is £4 per person. I can offer scrummy teas, always a highlight of any trip, plants for sale and a loo! There is easy parking at Boscombe Social Club or nearby hard-standing for coaches. Disabled parking on the drive if space permits. NB Coaches must pre-book!
Scrummy tea (or coffee) and cake/homemade biscuits, £2.50 per person, inside if wet or cold. At snowdrop time soup is served. My contact details are Lyn Miles, Westcroft, Boscombe Village, Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 0AB. 01980 610877 | 077878 52756 | [email protected]
Wheelchair access is restricted to the paved driveway and grassed lower levels and will be difficult if the ground is soft.
Scrummy Teas at Westcroft
I enjoy baking cakes and usually offer a wide selection such as Marmalade and Pecan Loaf, Coconut and Lime, Old-fashioned Gingerbread and Honey cakes, along with favourites such as Cherry Cake, Lemon Drizzle and the always popular Coffee and Chocolate Victoria Sandwiches. Or perhaps flapjacks (gluten free) or shortbread for a morning option.
My chickens give me fresh eggs, our bees give me honey and I make my own marmalade, curds, jams, chutneys and elderflower cordial, if time permits. In the colder months soup is available. There are plenty of seating areas in the garden, in sun and shade to enjoy your scrummy tea. In bad weather or in the freezing cold in February you could sit inside around the Aga!
Cost £2.50 for scrummy tea and cake. Cake to take home, whilst stocks last £1.50 per slice. Soup and bread £3
Group Visits
Group visits for 15 or more people can be arranged for either a morning or afternoon. From February through to October there is plenty of interest in the garden, although I usually just open at snowdrop time, these days.
The entry charge, for NGS is £4 per person with a minimum charge of £60.
I can offer scrummy teas, always a highlight of any trip, plants for sale and a loo! Maybe soup if requested. There is easy parking at nearly Boscombe Social Club and nearby hard-standing for coaches. Disabled parking on the drive if space permits.
Scrummy tea and cake or coffee and homemade biscuits, £2.50 per person, inside if wet or at snowdrop time. Soup and bread £3.
Please contact me for further information.